Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Illusions With Faces

You all probably already know this, but I thought that I would share this, anyway..

Have you ever seen a picture with a mysterious face in it? A face appearing in smoke, orbs, or in a dark corner?

Here are some of my thoughts about these types of things..

First, maybe just "wanting" something to "be there" is enough to create an illusion that something has, in fact, shown up in the picture, like a face..

I think that the mind really pays attention to faces.. Thus, if something looks somewhat like a face, your mind will piece it together, giving the illusion that you, indeed, see a full, real, face in something that isn't a real face at all.. 

Also, the "suggestion" in itself can have an effect on people.. If I hand someone a picture of a dark room, and not say anything, they probably would not notice anything.. But, if I suggested that there was something in the photo, like a face, they may be more likely to see this "face"..

Does that all make sense? I am not saying that faces that mysteriously appear in pictures are all just "illusions".. Some could very well be something "real" that was really there..

I just wanted to throw this out there, because I was thinking about it the other day, as I was looking at this creepy "face" in a picture that I had taken before...

Here is the picture(s): 
(Click picture to enlarge)

Did you REALLY see a face? Or, did you only see a face, because I told you to? If you didn't see a face at all, good for you. Haha. 


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